Our Last Afternoon in FS2 Onyx Class

We had a wonderful last afternoon in Reception today.  Mr Siezckarek arranged for a wonderful treat for the whole school. Everyone in school got an ice cream to say well done for such a great year! 🙂


As you can see we loved them. Then it was back to the classroom to get ready for our last home time in Foundation Stage and to get ready to turn into Year Ones.

A special magic curtain appeared and we all walked through it. It turned us into proper Year Ones (no more practising) so when we come back in September we’re in Miss Breeze’s Y1 Topaz. We can’t wait! Miss Parker, Miss Deakin and Miss Hukin said we’ve got to make sure we pop back into Onyx class and tell everyone how we’re getting on.


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The teachers would like to say another huge well done to all the children for such an amazing year. You’ve all grown so much and learnt something new everyday. We so all so proud of you all and are sure you’ll continue to progress just as much in Year One. 

Have a wonderful Summer 🙂


FS Graduation 2018

One of the best days in FS2 is when we have our FS Graduation to celebrate our time in Foundation Stage at Prince Edward before we move onto Key Stage One. We love it because all the children have a chance to reflect on their learning during the year and tell us what they enjoyed the most. Then we get to share that with all our families.

We sang some songs and then we all stood up to tell everyone what our favourite thing about Foundation Stage had been. We thought about our time with Miss Hulme in Nursery as well. We had to be very brave as there were over 100 adults there for us to talk to.

Mr Siezckarek and Mrs Ainsley came to hand out the certificates and special treats.


We were also given our special string which Miss Parker and Miss Deighton had been holding onto since our first day at school in September. It was exactly the same size as us so we can see how much we’ve grown during the school year. I wonder who has grown the most?!? Don’t forget to tell the teachers how much you’ve grown.


We then got to watch our Graduation Video which is a look back over the year at all the fun things we’ve been learning and experiencing. Everyone loved looking for themselves on the big screen.


You can watch it again below or by clicking here.

We hope you enjoy it. Thanks again to all families for their support during the school year. We hope you enjoy Year One! Good Luck! 🙂 Don’t forget to pop back in and let us know how you’re getting on.


Forest Schools 4

For our last Forest Schools session we had a special surprise……. Miss Deighton came to join us and we had a session with FIRE! We had to ask Miss Deighton to come along as she’s had the special training for using the fire pit. She explained to us all about how to stay safe next to the fire and what we needed to do to make sure we got our marshmallow toasted just right.

It was very exciting to do the fire session and everyone was very sensible and listened carefully to everything Miss Deighton, Mrs Murch and Miss Deakin had to tell them.

While we were waiting for our turn at the fire and to toast marshmallows we went back up to the Secret Garden for one last time in Onyx Class. (We’ll be able to go again next year once we’re Topaz Class in Y1) There was a special job to do in the Secret Garden but only after we’d played 1-2-3 Where Are You? again. We had to make a special nature crown using any natural materials we found in the Secret Garden. There were so many to choose although we had to make sure they’d stick to the crown! Anything too big just fell off.

It was another great Forest Schools session. A big thank you to Miss Deighton for helping us stay safe near the fire and making sure there were marshmallows for everyone 🙂

What have we been learning? 

  • To listen to instructions. 
  • To stay safe in a new situation. 
  • To try new things. 
  • To look for natural objects which we like and say why. 
  • To create a crown of our favourite objects. 

How can you continue the learning at home? 

  • Support your child to try new things- this could be climbing a bit higher on the climbing frame, visiting a new place or trying a new food. 
  • Look for natural materials like before and make your own nature crowns. 
  • Use the natural materials to make a repeating pattern on your crown. 




Our Awards This Week- Summer 2 Week 4

Our Writer of the Week surprised everyone this week with his writing. He not only wrote one sentence but he wrote a whole book! He decided he wanted to make a book and about one of his favourite things- CARS! There were pages about petrol cars, diesel cars and even electric cars. He did a great job of sounding out to spell his words and use the phoneme strip to find the letters he didn’t know. Well done!


Our Mathematician of the Week always does everything with a smile on her face. She did a wonderful job this week helping everyone solve problems with numbers. She worked hard to workout which numbers added together made ten.



Sports Day 2018

We had a fabulous time at Sports Day. We were able to go up on the field for the first time and it is another wonderful space we get to enjoy at our school. We joined up with Key Stage One and our families were invited to join in the fun.


After we’d had a turn we let our grown ups have a go at racing. There was a Mummies, Nannans and other girls race then a Daddies, Grandads and other boys race. The teachers had a turn as well! We were very proud when Miss Deakin was the winner 🙂


Once all the races and activities were finished  we found out which team was the winners with the most points. Each team had children from ever class so these are the winners from Onyx Class. Everyone else got a certificate to say well done for taking part.



Forest Schools 3

For our 3rd Forest School session we headed back to the Secret Garden. Everyone in Onyx Class loves the Secret Garden!

We started our session by playing the game 1-2-3 Where Are You? The children are getting really good at it now and some children managed to hide for a really long time. C91CDBBE-13A7-479E-84DC-5F52682E2153

We’d  heard there might be some goblins and fairies in the Secret Garden so went for a closer look. There were a couple in the trees which made us decide we would like to make some our own. Miss Parker showed us how to make the clay stick to the tree and use natural materials we found to create the features of the goblins. Some of us decided to make our goblin with a friend and some of us decided to make our own.


Don’t our goblins look fabulous? Can you see the alien goblin covered in tentacles? Which one do you think it is?


We left our goblins in the Secret Garden to help look after it while we were back down at school. Maybe you’ll see them if you go up there soon.

We had one last job to do before we went back to the classroom. Miss Parker asked us to find some long natural materials which we could use for weaving. Some children found really long sticks so we decided to take them back and see if we could make a weaving wigwam.


We also made some smaller weaving frames which you can find in our classrooms.

We have loved another session in the Secret Garden for Forest Schools.

What have we been learning? 

  • To listen to our friends and maintain our attention on a game. 
  • To use our imaginations to create new goblin creatures. 
  • To explore the properties of natural materials. 

How can you continue the learning at home? 

  • Talk about different creatures that you might find in a Garden. Make up some stories about what the creatures do when you’re not there. 
  • Look for natural materials in your gardens or at the park. 
  • Make your own weaving frames and weave the natural materials to create art, like this…. 






Our Awards this Week- Summer 2 Week 3

Miss Deakin awarded this weeks Mathematician of the Week and Writer of the Week as Miss Parker spent a lot of time out of class. She was particularly impressed with these two children who showed independent learning skills in their Maths and Writing.


Our Mathematician of the Week did some amazing estimating when trying to count the jellybeans in the jar. Its hard to make a sensible estimate rather than a silly guess when there are lots of small objects but our Mathematician was able to do it.


You’re right it’s not been that long since our Writer of the Week last won this award. He has continued his hard work and kept on building his confidence into a second week and Miss Deakin noticed his hard work. What a fabulous job!


Fantastic Football

We have been LOVING the World Cup in Onyx Class since it started. There are lots of children who are interested in football and they are embracing the opportunity to learn key skills through the topic of football.

We watched some of the highlights and talked about the scores in our Maths learning. We added to our classroom provision and played our own football matches of finger football. We loved when Miss Parker brought some football magazines and were motivated to read and find out about our favourite players.

In our literacy we thought about stories which were about football and wrote some of our own.

We wrote stories altogether and we wrote our own stories in our books.

Photos of stories to follow.

We’ll continue to keep watching the football I’m sure. We’re all keeping our fingers crossed England continue to do well

What have we been learning?

  • To add scores together to find out how many were scored altogether.
  • To recognise the numbers on players shirts.
  • To use our fingers with control to ‘kick’ the football.
  • To make up stories which include our favourite footballers.
  • To write our own stories.
  • To talk about our favourite footballers.

How can you continue the learning?

  • When looking at football scores, work out how many goals were scored altogether. Can you write the number sentences?
  • Make up your own stories using a beginning and middle and end. It doesn’t need to be about football.

Forest Schools 2

We were all very excited when we knew it was time to go back to the Secret Garden for Forest Schools. We started off with a game of 1-2-3 Where are You? It has quickly become one of our favourite games.

Then we started our first activity. Miss Parker told us about some footprints which had been spotted in the Secret Garden. It was our job to go and find as many as we could. When we found them we had to sort them out and find out from the posters which animal they belonged to.


Once we had found all the footprints we got busy with our second activity. Miss Parker asked us all to draw a picture of some of the footprints we had found. The only problem was we had no pencils or paint. The only thing we had was some cups and a bottle of water. Can you remember what we did?


We made mud paint! We had to find sticks to help us paint our pictures instead of a paintbrush.

Our final job was to go and find as many items as we could for a special picture when we got back to the classroom. We picked up anything which was flat and that we thought was interesting.

Here is our finished picture…….


It looks amazing in the sunshine. Come to our classroom to see it on the window.

What have we been learning?

  • To listen during games.
  • To look carefully and be observant in the Secret Garden.
  • To sort and match animal footprints.
  • To use sticks to do mark making with mud.
  • To look at different objects which interest us and talk about why we like them.

How can can you continue the learning at home?

  •  Visit the park or look in you garden and try to find objects which interest you. Can you use them to make a picture?
  • Use sticks and other objects to to do mark making with mud.



Our Awards This Week- Summer 2 Week 2

Our Mathematician of the Week received his award for always trying his best in Maths. He loves numbers and is always ready to do different calculations. Now he is starting to use the calculations he knows to solve problems. He is showing us he is getting ready for Y1 Maths.


Our Writer of the Week was determined to win this award this week. He worked so hard writing stories about volcanoes all by himself. They had a beginning, a middle and an end just like the ones we’d been writing as a whole class (see Volcano post) He is becoming much more confident in his writing skills and we’re all very proud to see how much he has progressed.


A big well done to both boys 🙂