Healthy Living Week 2018

Before October Half Term we all took part in the whole school Healthy Living Week. We learnt about lots of different ways to keep ourselves safe and healthy.

First Mrs Murch came to talk to us about PANTS and our new friend Pantosaurus. It is important that we learn the special PANTS rules so we know how to keep ourselves safe.


There was a special rule to remember for each of the letters in PANTS.We had to remember Privates are private. 

Can you remember what all the rules were?

Grown ups- follow this link to find out more and to find the song Mrs Murch taught us. 

After that we had a doctor come to visit us and tell us all about staying healthy but also what happens if we need to go to the doctors.


We all had such a good time we decided we wanted a Doctors’ Surgery in our classroom and asked the teachers to turn our role play into a Doctors. We have loved pretending to be the doctors and the patients.


Another day we had a special PE session with Erol. It was hard work as we tried all the activities and kept our bodies fit and healthy.

Can you remember which your favourite activity was? Which one made you the most out of breath and tired? 


We were very lucky because we were able to borrow some special bikes from Taylor Shaw. They were called Smoothie Bikes because when you pedalled them you made the blender turn. We got to use them a couple of times. First, when we made pumpkin soup with the pumpkins we’d been growing and, second, when we made smoothies with fruit and yoghurt.

Which was your favourite? Can you say why? 

We did some other different food tasting as well to try new and healthy foods.

Some children weren’t to sure to begin with about trying new foods but they surprised themselves when they did try them.

We also had a very different type of PE session than the one with Errol. In this one we did some Yoga and learnt to keep our bodies steady and still. It took a lot of concentration but we got really good at it and wanted to practise for the rest of the day.


We also read a book called UNPLUGGED which taught us about the importance of spending time outside and not always being inside on the computer- even if its our favourite thing to do! We learnt that being safe and healthy online means it is good to be away from the computer.

Grown ups- you can find out more about Digital 5 a Day and how important it is to vary what children do on computers here. 

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We had a fabulous week 🙂

What have we been learning? 

  • To keep our bodies and minds safe and healthy. 
  • To find out how special visitors can help teach us about staying healthy. 
  • About different healthy foods. 
  • About different types of exercise. 
  • To keep our bodies private and what to do if we are worried. 
  • To stay safe and healthy online and on the computer. 

How can you continue the learning at home? 

  • Follow the links for grown ups above and find out more about the things we have been learning. 
  • Encourage your children to try new foods. Make it exciting and let them help you prepare them before you try them. 
  • Walk to school everyday and talk about why walking is the healthy option (or running, riding a bike or coming on your scooter)

Sports Day 2018

We had a fabulous time at Sports Day. We were able to go up on the field for the first time and it is another wonderful space we get to enjoy at our school. We joined up with Key Stage One and our families were invited to join in the fun.


After we’d had a turn we let our grown ups have a go at racing. There was a Mummies, Nannans and other girls race then a Daddies, Grandads and other boys race. The teachers had a turn as well! We were very proud when Miss Deakin was the winner 🙂


Once all the races and activities were finished  we found out which team was the winners with the most points. Each team had children from ever class so these are the winners from Onyx Class. Everyone else got a certificate to say well done for taking part.



Healthy Living Week

The week before half term was Healthy Living Week for the whole school. When we were talking about being healthy we decided that we needed to know more about which foods are healthy and which aren’t.

We found a funny book at fruit called Kitchen Disco by Clare Foges . After that we knew we wanted to try some different fruits. Can you think which one was our favourite? Which one is your favourite? 

Some of the fruit was a little bit sour! It made us pull some funny faces!


We had to sound out to think how to spell all the different fruit names. Can you read them back? 

We talked about different foods and if they were healthy or not. We also talked about why they were not healthy, for example they have too much sugar or fat.


Our parents were invited to a special workshop with us. If was wonderful to see so many parents and carers attend- thank you for coming! We had to work with them to teach them what we knew about healthy foods.

Everyone got a special Booktime book pack with their very own copy of Kitchen Disco to keep forever 🙂 We hope you’ve been reading it already.

We had some special visitors come to school to talk to us about staying healthy as well. The School Nurses came to talk to us about healthy eating and looking after our teeth.

What a busy week!

What have we been learning?

  • Which foods are healthy and which are not.
  • To try new foods and think about how to describe the taste.
  • To brush our teeth to keep them healthy.

How can you continue the learning at home?


Coughs and Sneezes!

We’ve had a lot of children with coughs and sneezes this week (and teachers as well!). We’ve been talking about how to make sure we all stay as healthy as possible and don’t spread our germs. Everyone knew to put their hand over their mouth when they cough to make sure the germs don’t go all over our friends. We made a poster to remind us what to do.


Then we did an experiment with glitter and hand sanitiser. Corey called it ‘glitter sauce’. We had to pretend that the glitter was the germs and we wanted to find out what happened to those germs when we got busy in the classroom. There were lots of “urghs” and “yucks” as the germs were put onto the children’s hands.

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Some children went straight to the toilets to wash their hands!

This meant we talked about how to wash our hands and we made some posters to put up in our toilets so that everyone remembers to wash all those germs off.

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Have a look in our toilets and see if you can see our special posters.


*Do your children remember to wash their hands at home?

*Do they remember without you telling them?

*Can your child remember the special rhyme so they wash their hands properly?



Making Mashed Potato!!!

Last week, some children found that our beans and potatoes had grown over the summer and were now ready to eat. We decided that we wanted to harvest the vegetables and make some mashed potato. It was hard work turning our potatoes into mashed potatoes. Look at all the things we had to do, it was a real team effort. At each stage we talked about how to make sure we were staying safe, especially when we needed to wash our hands and when were were cutting the potatoes.

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Which foods can you help make at home? Don’t forget to let us know in school what you’ve been up to.

We’d love to hear all about it and see some pictures 🙂