Chocolatey Easter Fun

We had a very busy week back in school. It was strange as we came back to school and it had still not been Easter. Everyone was very excited waiting for their Easter Eggs. We decided we would like to learn about chocolate because we all love chocolate so much!

We tasted different sorts of chocolate and made a graph to find out our favourites. The dark chocolate was not very popular at all. Can remember your favourite?

We made some chocolates of our own deciding which ingredients we would like to make the best chocolate in the world. There were some different ingredients to choose from so we could design our chocolate to take home. We melted the chocolate- thinking about how you melt chocolate- before we made the chocolate. Then we had to wrap our chocolates just like the ones in the shop.


Then on Thursday we found a note and the Easter eggs Miss Parker had bought us were gone 😦 We did not know where they were. However there was a note with a clue so we decided to follow it and see where we went. Every time we found a clue it told us to go somewhere else and follow the chicks. We went all over school and our hunt took us outside, the staffroom, the main hall before going back to our classroom. We couldn’t believe our eyes when we got back. There were our eggs but there was also a giant egg as well. We did not know what it was but there were lots of ideas about what it could be.


We loved our Easter Egg Hunt and we were excited to find the giant egg in our classroom.


Come back soon to see what happens next.


A Gingerbread Man Hunt

There was a strange message when we came into school the other Friday morning. We weren’t sure who it was from so we decided to follow the clue and see if we could find out more. First stop was the school library. When we got there we found another clue. We all had to do good listening and see if we could finish the rhymes to help Miss Parker work out where to go next.

After a few clues we’d worked out that it was the Gingerbread Man that had left us the clue and we had to be really quiet so we didn’t let him know we were coming. By the time we had finished we’d been all round the school, including the MUGA outside and past all of our older brother and sisters classrooms upstairs, and met lots of important people, like Mr Sieczkarek and Miss French. Following the clues meant we’d been upstairs and downstairs, inside and out. When we got back to “the room that is best”, we found the Gingerbread Man had left us a special treat to say well done.


The following week we did lots of learning about the Gingerbread Man. We checked that everyone knew the story and what happened at the beginning, the middle and the end of.  Some children enjoyed retelling the story in their own words. Some children enjoyed trying to write it on a BIG story map like they’d seen Miss Parker do.


What have we been learning? 

  • Where places and people are in our new school. This is particularly important for the children who came to us from different settings. 
  • The purpose of reading to find out more and help us solve problems. 
  • To remember a familiar story and retell it in a variety of ways. 

How can you continue the learning at home? 

  • Retell the story of the Gingerbread Man and other stories your child is familiar with. 
  • Ask your child to retell stories in pictures and using words. 
  • Point out to your child when you are finding something out by reading or reading for pleasure to help them understand why reading it so important. 

Our Easter Chick Hunt


We had a great time when the Easter Bunny came to say hello. He was a little bit sneaky though and just left a clue in our classroom for us to follow. We had to go around the whole school reading the clues and working out where we had to go next. We are able to do most of the reading ourselves now. We kept spotting chicks on the way which helped. When we got back to the classroom the Easter Bunny had brought us some Easter eggs 🙂 We all had a wonderful time and it was a great chance for us to practise our ever improving reading skills.

This is the first and the last clue….

We loved our Easter Chick Hunt and wish the Easter Bunny would come back everyday! (Some of us did get to see him at the 100% Attendance Disco later that day :-))


A Gingerbread Man Hunt

We had a special visitor come to our new school. He left a clue for us and we had to work out where to go next to find out who he was. It was a fantastic chance to have a look round our new school as we went upstairs and downstairs, along corridors and outside too! Do you think we found him in the end? Read on to find out….

Look at the pictures with your child to see if they remember where we went and which rooms we had to go to.

The first clue we found in the classroom said to find a room with lots of books. Off we went to find the Library…. We have a library in school as well as the visits we make to Manor Top Library. You can issue books for your child. Please ask for more details.

imageWe found another clue in the Library so couldn’t stay to read. We didn’t want the Gingerbread Man to get away from us. Next we had to go to the place where people answer the phones before finding the room we eat in- the office and the hall of course!


We found out there is only one hall in our new school where we have dinner, do PE and have all our assemblies. We can’t wait to do PE for the first time. Our next clue said to go where they are 3 so it was off to Nursery next to see the three year olds there.


From Nursery we had to go outside and all the way down to the MUGA (multi-use games area). The Gingerbread Man did well did get down there and back without anyone seeing him. Next we had to go where the teachers drink their tea which meant the staff room. The staff room is back upstairs but this time we used the yellow stairs. Did you know there’s a blue staircase and a yellow one?


We asked Mrs Ainsley if she’d seen the Gingerbread Man and she hadn’t but he’d left another note. After checking in Miss French’s office too we followed the clue the Gingerbread Man left to go to the room which is best. Valerie said straight away “our classroom!”


We all had a great time chasing the Gingerbread Man and although we didn’t find him we loved eating the gingerbread men he left. It was a great way to get to know our new school.

We hope the Gingerbread Man comes back again soon.


Our Easter Chick Hunt

On the last day of school we found a strange message in the classroom…


We looked around the classroom and found the first clue. It took us a little while to work it out but we realised we had to go to the slide. We knew we were right when we got there and saw some chicks…


There was another clue at the slide and we had to think carefully to decide where we thought it would be. We also looked very carefully and spotted some more chicks to show us the way.


The next clue was much easier and told us to go to the dining room. We had to creep quietly down the corridors so the chicks didn’t hear us coming and run away!


It took us a while to work out the next clue. Luckily Mr Sieczkarek was there to help us because we found it really hard. Eventually we worked out that we had to go the staff room so that’s where we headed next.


We had worked it out right and in the staff room we found another clue. It was very strange being allowed in the teacher’s staff room because normally there are no children allowed in there! The next clue said to look under Miss Parker’s chair which was easy because we know that’s in our classroom.


When we got back to the classroom we found a great surprise. There under Miss Parker’s chair was a basket full of Easter eggs and a note. It turns out it was the Easter Bunny who’d left us the clues and chicks!


We really hope the Easter Bunny does come back next year as we loved the Easter Chick Hunt. It really made us think and was a good chance to look round the old building one last time before we had to say goodbye.

Thank you Easter Bunny!