Buildings, Structures and Homes

We had a great time in the first half of Spring term learning all about Buildings, Structures and Homes. The children decided this was what they wanted to learn about while we get ready for our New School.

First we asked the children what they would want to learn about…….


We read the story of the Three Little Pigs and it became our storytelling text for the half term.. Look on the blog for a post about our storytelling. The children thought about what they would use to build a house if the big bad wolf came to Manor Top and why that would be the best material.


Once some of the children had decided on the bricks to build a solid wall for the house the used the rest of the materials to create the rest of the house. Doesn’t it look great?

There were lots of other building activities for us to do too. We had great fun exploring them all. There was more going on than we could take photos of to show you!

The children loved the freedom and creativity of the role play area which they could make anything they wanted to be.


One our favourites was using the sand cement to build sticking the blocks together. If you want to make some at home just mix shaving foam with some sand- it’s that easy 🙂

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There were lots of Elsa castles popping up all over the place but these ones with the sugar cubes were particularly popular.  What could you build from using materials at your house?

During the whole school Safety Week, Stephen from the new build came to talk to us about being safe on and near building sites. He also showed us some pictures of what our new school is going to look like. It was very exciting to see the pictures and we can’t wait to see it for real.


We’ll try and put some more pictures up of the new build as we get them. Keep looking back to check…..




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